To start Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in Hillingdon, consider joining Ruislip BJJ.

Situated between Ruislip & Northolt, the club offers free trials for beginners. It’s one of the most popular sports clubs in Ruislip

The club has 2 head instructors, Raj Dosanjh & Wiktor Herka.

The club is based at: McGovern Park, W End Rd, Ruislip HA4 6QX

Classes run 4 times a week, click here to see the Ruislip BJJ class schedule.

Alternatively, to find Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes in Hillingdon, you can start by searching online for local martial arts schools or BJJ clubs. Many of these organizations have websites that will provide information on their class schedules, pricing, and location. 

You can also try contacting your local community center or YMCA to see if they offer BJJ classes. 

Another option is to search for private BJJ instructors in the area who may offer lessons either in their own studio or at a location of your choosing. 

You can also try asking for recommendations from friends, family, or other people in your community who may be familiar with BJJ classes in Hillingdon.

What is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?


Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a martial art that focuses on grappling and ground fighting. It was developed in Brazil in the early 20th century by the Gracie family, who were influenced by judo and traditional Japanese jujutsu. 

BJJ is known for its effectiveness in mixed martial arts (MMA) competition and in self-defense situations, and it has become a popular martial art for people of all ages and skill levels.

In BJJ, practitioners use leverage and proper technique to control and submit their opponents, rather than relying on size and strength. This makes it a great martial art for people of smaller stature or those who may not have the physical advantages of larger opponents. 

BJJ training typically involves drilling techniques and live sparring, where practitioners can test their skills against each other in a controlled environment.

BJJ has grown substantially over the last decade, with many clubs now operating in Hillingdon. Most offer free trials and pay as you go as well as monthly options.

What do I need to attend a BJJ class in Hillingdon?

Battle Gear | United Kingdom | BJJ Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Equipment

To attend Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) classes in Hillingdon, you will typically need to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that allows you to move freely. 

For gi classes, you will eventually need to wear a traditional gi, which is a type of uniform worn in BJJ and other martial arts. A gi typically consists of a jacket, pants, and a belt that denotes your rank. If you are just starting out, you can usually borrow a gi from the school or dojo until you are ready to purchase your own. In your first month, don’t worry to much about needing a Gi, we work around beginners who haven’t yet purchased one.

Most clubs in Hillingdon provide Gi patches of the clubs emblem. 

For no-gi classes, you will not need to wear a gi, but you should still wear comfortable clothing that allows for a full range of motion, such as a rashguard, gym shorts, or spats.

Similar to Gi patches, most BJJ clubs in Hillingdon have their own branded rash guards.

In addition to proper clothing, you may also need to bring other equipment to BJJ classes, such as a mouthguard and a water bottle. Some schools may also require you to bring your own towel. It is important to listen to the instructions of your instructor and follow any guidelines that are given for the safety of yourself and others.


Is BJJ Training Safe?

Is BJJ a Safe Martial Art to Learn? – MMA Channel

Like any physical activity, there is always some risk of injury when practicing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ). However, BJJ training can be very safe when proper precautions are taken and proper technique is followed.

Many BJJ schools have policies in place to ensure the safety of their students, such as requiring the use of protective gear for certain drills and techniques. BJJ instructors are also trained to teach techniques in a way that minimizes the risk of injury to students.

It is important to remember that BJJ training is a contact sport and that injuries can occur. However, most injuries in BJJ are minor, such as scrapes, bruises, and muscle strains.

To help reduce the risk of injury, it is important to warm up properly before training, listen to your body, and ask for help if you have any concerns. It is also important to remember to respect your training partners and to use control when sparring. By following these guidelines, you can help ensure that your BJJ training is safe and enjoyable.

Ruislip BJJ instructors are fully insured and operate a safe and caring environment. In addition, the club is UKBJJ certified.

What is the Belt System In BJJ?

Gordon Ryan "Promoted" To BJJ Blue Belt By Roger Gracie

In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), practitioners wear colored belts to indicate their rank and level of proficiency in the martial art. The belt system in BJJ is similar to the one used in other martial arts, such as judo and karate. The colors of the belts, from lowest to highest, are as follows:

White belt: This is the starting rank in BJJ and signifies a beginner who is still learning the basics of the martial art.

Blue belt: This rank indicates that a practitioner has a good understanding of the basic techniques and principles of BJJ and is starting to develop their own style and strategy.

Purple belt: This rank signifies that a practitioner has a strong foundation in BJJ and is beginning to master more advanced techniques.

Brown belt: This rank indicates a high level of proficiency in BJJ and a deep understanding of the technical aspects of the martial art.

Black belt: This is the highest rank in BJJ and signifies mastery of the martial art. Black belts are expected to have a thorough understanding of all aspects of BJJ and to be able to teach and demonstrate techniques to lower-ranked practitioners.

It typically takes several years of dedicated training to progress through the ranks in BJJ. The time it takes to advance from one belt to the next can vary depending on the individual and their rate of progress.

Ruislip BJJ instructors both achieved their black belt in 2021. The club has a lot of beginners starting their journey at white belt, as well as more experienced practitioners at higher belt levels.

Is BJJ good for MMA?

Jiu-Jitsu Moves for MMA - The Most Effective Ones

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) can be a valuable asset for practitioners of mixed martial arts (MMA). BJJ is a martial art that focuses on grappling and ground fighting, and it has proven to be effective in MMA competition. Many successful MMA fighters have a strong background in BJJ and incorporate it into their training and fighting style.

One of the key benefits of BJJ for MMA is that it teaches practitioners how to control and submit an opponent using proper technique and leverage, rather than relying on size and strength. This can be especially useful for smaller fighters who may not have the physical advantages of their opponents. BJJ also helps practitioners develop a strong base and a good sense of balance, which can be important in the clinch and on the ground in MMA.

In addition to the practical benefits, training in BJJ can also help improve overall fitness and conditioning, which are important for any combat sport. Overall, BJJ can be a valuable addition to an MMA training regimen and can help improve a fighter’s overall skills and performance.


How did BJJ start?

Jiu-Jitsu Gi Origins: From The Samurai To The Gracies - BJJ World

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) was developed in Brazil in the early 20th century by the Gracie family. The Gracie family was influenced by traditional Japanese jujutsu and the martial art of judo, which was developed by Kano Jigoro in the late 19th century.

Judo was introduced to Brazil in 1909 by Mitsuyo Maeda, a Japanese immigrant who was also a practitioner of jujutsu. Maeda taught judo to Carlos Gracie, who was one of his students. Carlos, along with his brothers, went on to develop and refine the techniques of judo and jujutsu, eventually creating the martial art of BJJ.

The Gracie family opened the first BJJ academy in Brazil in the 1920s and began teaching the martial art to students. BJJ quickly gained popularity in Brazil and eventually spread to other countries around the world. It is now practiced by millions of people and is recognized as a premier martial art for self-defense and competition.


Should you start BJJ classes in Hillingdon?

We’re biassed, so the answer is going to be yes (and also pick Ruislip BJJ as your go to martial arts club in Hillingdon)! The first step is to attend a free trial class and see if you like it. Hopefully you get hooked and want to keep coming! Ruislip BJJ is one of the best sports clubs in Ruislip so for sure attend a free trial session!

Deciding whether to start Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) or any other martial art is a personal decision that depends on your individual goals, interests, and circumstances. However, there are many benefits to practicing BJJ that may make it an attractive option for you.

BJJ is a martial art that emphasizes the use of proper technique and leverage to control and submit an opponent, rather than relying on size and strength. This makes it a great martial art for people of all sizes and fitness levels. BJJ training can also improve overall fitness and coordination, and it can be a great way to relieve stress and improve mental focus. Many people also find that training in BJJ helps to boost their confidence and self-esteem.

If you are interested in trying BJJ, it is a good idea to visit a local academy or dojo and observe a class or talk to the instructor to get a feel for the training style and atmosphere. Many schools also offer trial classes or intro programs for new students, which can be a good way to see if BJJ is right for you. Ultimately, the decision to start BJJ or any other martial art should be based on what you enjoy and what you hope to gain from the experience.

Im scared or worried about attending my first BJJ class in Hillingdon!

Taekwondo Master Puts Hands Up in Fear and Yells. Karate Man with Scared Face in Uniform Stock Image - Image of beard, healthy: 122611865

Starting any new activity or joining a new group can be intimidating or scary, and starting Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is no exception. If you attend a class at Ruislip BJJ, we’re confident you’ll find it a welcoming and fun environment.

Here are a few ways in which starting BJJ can be intimidating:

Physical challenges: BJJ involves physical contact and can be physically demanding, which may be intimidating for some people. If you are out of shape or have injuries or physical limitations, you may be concerned about your ability to participate in class.

Fear of failure: It is natural to be worried about not being able to do something correctly when learning something new. You may be concerned about not being able to execute techniques properly or feeling embarrassed if you make mistakes.

Fear of injury: While BJJ can be a very safe martial art when proper precautions are taken, there is always some risk of injury when participating in physical activity. This may be a concern for some people, especially if they have had past injuries or are especially cautious about their physical well-being.

Fear of being judged: Joining a new group can be intimidating, especially if you are worried about being judged or not fitting in. You may be concerned about how you will be received by other students or the instructor.

If you are feeling intimidated about starting BJJ, it can be helpful to remind yourself that everyone has to start somewhere and that making mistakes is a normal part of learning anything new. It is also a good idea to talk to the instructor and other students about your concerns and to let them know if you have any physical limitations or injuries. Many BJJ schools are welcoming and supportive communities, and the instructors and students will be happy to help you feel comfortable and included.

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